Fi Sabeelillah Fasad By Karen Armstrong Pdf

Book Name: Fi Sabeelillah Fasad

Writer: Karen Armstrong

Translator: Younas Mansoor


Karen Armstrong is the most prestigious female writer in Britain. She was awarded the prize of $100,000 for her best work on the Charter for Compassion in 2008. She wrote many excellent books, which gave her separate recognition for the comparative study of the different religions. Karen wrote “The Battle For God,” which Younas Mansoor translated into Fi Sabeelillah Fasad Book PDF.

The book Fi Sabeelillah Fasad pdf is the translation work of The Battle For God. It is the book that she wrote in the context of religion. Karen Armstrong belonged to the Roman Catholic faith, which she left and changed her mind about.

After that, she became a staunch advocate of liberalism. Now, she has great enthusiasm and love for the most peaceful religion in the world, i.e., Islam. I hope you will like the book Fi Sabeelillah Fasad PDF by Karen Armstrong and share it with your friends.

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