Reiki Urdu Translation By Kajsa Borang Pdf

Book Name: Reiki Translate Book

Writer: Kajsa Borang

Translator: Tahir Mansoor Farooqi


Kajsa Krishni Borang is the author of the book Way of Reiki or Principles of Reiki. He was a famous Reiki master who used to enhance the cure of diseases by applying this narrative method. He inherited this method from the famous Gautam Budh and then wrote it in complete text form. Tahir Mansoor Farooqi translated the book Reiki Urdu Pdf which became very popular among therapists.

Reiki Urdu Pdf is the Urdu translation of the famous book Reiki authored by Kajsa Borang. Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing system in which spiritual energy is utilized through hands. The master uses his hands which tangle and then spread the power into the patient’s mind. I hope you will like the book Reiki Urdu Translation Pdf and share it with your friends.

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